Thursday, January 23, 2014

Information Technology vs Information Systems

     Information technology and information systems are terms that seem interchangeable, but this is a fallacy!  That was mock excitement, but something has to liven this up. By your own powerpoint, information technology has to do with the devices that do the data capturing, and information systems are the parts that do something with it.
     These days mainly the computer and all it's many versions are the information technology devices.  They allow us to collect, store, modify, shuffle, and send many forms of data.  Other mediums, like television mainly, can take part in the end, sending part of the process.  It is really just an upgrade of the original pen and ledger or even chisel and tablet.  Keeping track of information.
     Information systems, truthfully still seem like the same thing a this point to me, so I shall lean hard upon my valiant aide Wikipedia for clarity.  You know I actually sent them some money last time they begged for it. 
This chart helped me more than the text.  After staring at it for a few minutes, I began to glean that after our technology has done the collecting, our systems are a program or collection of programs that sort the data, help us to analyze the data if not do it themselves, and provide management with understandable information upon which to make decisions.  A huge spreadsheet of data doesn't yield any discernible trends without a key or map of understanding. That's my understanding of information systems.  I hope it's close!

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